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The Mill Zappalà Oreste e Figli

for over 60 years produces re-milled semolina

and by-products from the milling of durum wheat sicilian

offering flour constants in the quality and customizable

according to the needs of each individual customer.

All this is possible thanks to the Know-How

inherited from previous generations.





      Sicilian Authentic Flour 

Mill Zappalà Oreste e Figli snc - Via Etnea, 44 Mascalucia (CT) Italy - P. iva IT00674360870 -☎ +39 095 7272106 (also multilingual Whatsapp) -☎ + 39 095 3286086 - info@molinozappala.com - Privacy and Cookies






Durum Wheat semolina


Pistachio Flour

Amaranth flour

The Biancolilla wheat is an ancient variety of wheat very widespread in Sicily until the so-called green revolution, when all the ancient grains were abandoned in favor of more performing, genetically improved wheat varieties, called modern.
This is why today Sicilian agriculture has resumed the cultivation of ancient grains which are considered more valuable than modern ones, which bring with them unique flavors, nuances and aromas, and are more digestible, tolerable and rich in nutrients.

Amaranth is a food that provides the same energy as whole grains. For its part, it contains excellent doses of fiber, a greater quantity of lipids (up to 7 times higher than the equivalent of whole wheat), surprising portions of calcium (5 times as much) and iron (twice as much).

Ideal for alternative bakery products. Rich in iron and calcium.

Pistachio flour is a very versatile product with a strong taste, which is suitable for both sweet and savory recipes, giving each dish an unmistakable touch.


Saragolla Lucana flour

Hemp flour
Spelled flour
Flour obtained by grinding hemp seeds. Rich in fiber and omega 3 and omega 6, fatty acids important for our body due to their antioxidant properties. 
Suitable for the production of bread and bread, such as: crackers, rusks, breadsticks, schiacciatine, tigelle, piadine, biscuits, sweet and savory, baked pastry in general, snacks, pizza.

Saragolla flour is obtained by stone grinding of ancient Saragolla, a durum wheat of the genus Triticum Turgidum Durum, which was cultivated in the past in Abruzzo, Sannio and

Lucania. Excellent base for the preparation of bread, pizza and traditional local pasta.


Gluten-Free Flour

Buckwheat flour

Type 00 Soft Wheat Flour

Buckwheat flour is the basic ingredient for preparing savory dishes like crepes,

pizzoccheri, polenta taragna, bread, pizzas, a delicious cake or simple biscuits.

Soft wheat flour type 00 suitable for the production of bread, pizzas, biscuits, sponge cake, excellent for direct doughs. Alveographic W equal to 220/240

Ready-made mixes for the production of "Gluten Free" Bread, Pizza, and Pastries


Flour type 00 "Ready " Panettone"

Soft Wheat flour type " 0

Soft Wheat flour type " 0 "Manitoba"

Soft Wheat flour type " 00 mixture READY PANETTONE is ideal for Panettone, Pandoro, Colombe and Cakes Leavened

Wheat flour type "0" SUPER-PROTEIN (11.50% ) for the production of bread, pizzas, biscuits W alveograph equal to 220

Wheat flour type 0 Manitoba suitable for dough strength such as croissants, brioche, panettone, etc W alveograph equal to 400

It is a wheat flour, semi-hard, very high in protein and gluten, which lends itself excellently in the production of sweet long leavening and bread.


Flour "Pizza Napoli" type 0

Wheat flour type 1

Wheat flour type 2

The 0 Flour Type “Pizza Napoli” is produced from a mixture of foreign wheat community and the north american with a protein content higher, a fundamental characteristic for the production of pizza with maturation medium/long . It is a flour-balanced, although it is a flour “strength”, makes it easy to work with the pats .

The flour of type 1, of darker colour than the type "0", contains a higher percentage of flour coming from the outer part of the grain. It is therefore the most rich in minerals, starch and proteins. W alveograph equal to 250

Flour special cell-containing parts cruscali that cover the endosperm . The bread is very digestible, tasty and keep for several days. W alveograph equal to 250


Farina di KAMUT® khorasan wheat "type 0"

Semolina whole wheat sicilian durum

Flour Khorasan Grinding Stone

The great reputation that the khorasan has gained over time is mainly due to the growing number of food allergies; after long studies conducted in the Usa, it has been shown that approximately 70% of the people who can not tolerate traditional wheat due to allergic reactions, can safely consume the khorasan.

KAMUT® khorasan wheat is very rich in selenium, zinc and magnesium and also contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and sodium. Among the vitamins present some of the B group: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine); it also has a good amount of vitamin E (tocopherol). The concentration of amino acids is superior to that of traditional wheat, and it is, like other varieties of wheat, cholesterol-free.

Wholemeal flour obtained from the simple breaking of hard wheat contains a level of fiber and protein higher than the flours conventional, and it is therefore a meal low in calories, full of protein and very healthy.


Flour of Almonds of Sicily

Flour "Mallorca" type 1 or whole Wheat sicilian

Flour Sorghum


Wheat flour sicilian molita natural stone in the purity and grown in certain areas of sicily, well-circumscribed. In the ancient recipes for sweets, the name Majorca, was synonymous with wheat flour for excellence.

It is used as such for the preparation of bakery products or in combination with sugar for the preparation of the almond paste. Excellent also for the preparation of soft macaroons, and for the preparation of creams.

The flour of sorghum, the flavor is delicate, can be used for the preparation of baked products sweet and savoury, or in addition to other flours containing gluten. Or in combination with starches, or starches, to improve the consistency of the final product.


Pea Flour

"MIX PANE NERO" of Sicily (ground stone)

Mix "PinsaRoma" ​

This particular type of flour is obtained by grinding previously dried pea seeds. It is a flour rich in proteins, starch, fiber, mineral salts, vitamins, antioxidants. ​

The mixture of whole grain flours ancient grains hard sicilian: TUMMINIA, RUSSELLO, BLACK MADONIE, PERCIASACCHI AND BIANCOLILLA "Strictly Moliti Natural Stone"

Mixture suitable for the production of the typical Pinsa of Rome. The finished product will taste connotation and decided, with notes of flavour of the tradition, for the presence of soy flour and rice and Tritordeum®.


Barley flour

Durum Wheat semolina "Perciasacchi"

Quinoa flour

The Flour of Barley differs from other cereals for the high content of fiber and soluble being the cereal with the lowest glycemic index.

The grain Perciasacchi or spelt along the sicilian is an ancient grain native to the sicilian from the superior organoleptic characteristics. The name derives from the particular shape of the sharp edges of the grain that percia (pit) in the bags which contain it.

Quinoa contains mostly carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, fats and mineral salts (in descending order): potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron, zinc and copper.


Rice flour

Semolina of Durum Wheat Russello"

Multicolour Rustic Flour

The rice flour is a product rich in starch, the texture fine, that is obtained from the milling of the grain of white rice. Is a great ingredient to introduce in their diet, due to its beneficial properties, in fact, is the basis of many traditional dishes of chinese and japanese cuisine because it is ideal to replace flour the municipality in case of intolerance (NO GLUTEN FREE)

With regard to the bakery is used to produce bread - “pasta dura” (having a ratio toughness/elasticity very high, attributed to the first), according to the technique traditionally widespread in the province of Ragusa, the results obtained are exceptional: both the sensory and the visual.

The richness and diversity of the ingredients of which it is composed is a bread rich in fibre, wholesome and highly digestible; the seed is contained, and not subject to any grinding process, resulting in perceptible both to the taste that to the view


Rye flour

Durum Wheat Sicilian

Granulated Wheat, Hard

"Senator Hats"

The mixture of rye is a little elastic, and almost without resistance, because it contains little gluten. The bread it produces is very dark, with a characteristic flavor. The rye flour can also be used for the preparation of pastry, biscuits or cakes, pastas, breads and fried foods.

The durum wheat semolina is a product that is less refined compared to the re-milled semolina, yellow color, more intense is the grain more coarse, is ideal for the production of home-made pasta, which, unlike that produced by the re-milled semolina is more compact and calloused and preserves the great taste and aromas.

Hats, ancient and great variety of hard wheat. The perfect flour to make great sourdough bread using the sourdough.

The durum wheat Senatore Cappelli is free from any contamination by induced mutagenesis with x and y radii of the radioactive cobalt, to the difference of the varieties of durum wheat GMO irradiated, used today in agriculture.


Durum Wheat variety "Timilia" (Tumminia)

Durum Wheat Sicilian

Teff flour


The durum wheat has a grain effect more subtle, the color is lighter than the wheat is ideal for bread, pizzas, breads and other leavened dough. It is produced Exclusively from the milling of durum wheat Sicilian with high protein content.

The Flour TUMMINIA is produced by means of ancient millstones in stone, following the ancient traditions; it is a wholemeal flour with a little burattata, it contains many oligo elements, wheat germ and bran; has a high protein value and a low gluten index. This flour is suitable for bread-making,and must be consumed in a relatively short time (about 4 months) not to lose its qualities.

Teff is a cereal with very small ("teffa" meaning "lost" and is to highlight the ease with which grains I can get out of hand), extremely nutritious, source of protein, fiber and natural amino acids.


 "Tritordeum" Flour

Homemade Pasta

"Ancient Grains"


The Tritordeum® is a new cereal that is a natural born from the combination of durum wheat (Triticum durum) and barley and wild Hordeum chilense). The Tritordeum is a species grown in a natural way. Over 30 years of selection have produced a new crop cereal that brings great health benefits and ensures a low environmental impact. The Tritordeum® is a great basic ingredient for a wide range of cereal-based products .Products Tritordeum ® have a taste and aroma are unmistakable and stand out for the pleasing golden color.

The pasta is made with semolina flour, ancient grain strictly Moliti Stone, what to leave intact all the nutritional properties of the grain such as vitamins, trace elements and all the other active principles present in the wheat germ.

Was originally a variety of the fields of the neighboring Tunisia, until the professor Tucci has not imported in Sicily, where the Bidì it is set to wonder, acquiring all its features that today make it a grain typical of the Island.The characteristic of this Grain is made from low-Gluten content.



Seeds for Food use

Grains in Berries

The meal wheat Flour preserves all the original characteristics of the grain. Is full of all the nutrients present in the cereal, such as vitamins, mineral salts and fibers, which attach perfectly to a proper diet, healthy and balanced..

Grains, local and national, ready to grind in your mills home, to produce your own flour, just as it once was.

It is a food rich in antioxidants. The latter, as is well known, are useful to fight free radicals and protect cells from aging and from toxins.



Legumes are a food of excellence. They are an excellent source of protein containing, in the dry state, from 20 to 40% (the highest level in dry soybeans); an almost double percentage compared to that of cereals and very close to that of products of animal origin.